Quiz linie lotnicze / Quiz about airlines

Ostatnio wpadłam na pomysł zrobienia quizu odnośnie linii lotniczych. Czas kwarantanny możemy wykorzystać do poszerzenia swojej wiedzy dotyczącej lotnictwa. Zapraszam Was wszystkich do rozwiązania testu i sprawdzenia znajomości międzynarodowych linii lotniczych.

Recently I came up with the idea of ​​doing a quiz about airlines. We can use quarantine to expand our knowledge about aviation. I invite you all to take the test and check your knowledge of international airlines.
Quiz linie lotnicze

Quiz linie lotnicze

1. What is the nationality of Wizzair?

... Answer is B)
Wizzair is Hungary airlines

2. What is the nationality of Ryanair?

... Answer is A)
Ryanair is an Irish airline.

3. What is the nationality of Avianca?

... Answer is D)
Avianca is a Colombian airline.

4. What is the nationality of EasyJet?

... Answer is A)
Ryanair is an British airline.

5. Which airline the logo belongs to
British Airways logo

... Answer is C)
British Airways

6. Which airline the logo belongs to

LOT pll Polish Airlines logo

... Answer is D)
Polish airlines

7. Which airline the logo belongs to
Quantas airlines logo

... Answer is A)

8. Which airline the logo belongs to
Iberia logo

... Answer is C)

9. What airline is this?
Emirates airlines

... Answer is A)
Emirates Airlines.

10. What airline is this?
South African Airways

... Answer is D)
South African Airways.

11. What airline is this?

... Answer is A)

12. What airline is this?
Air France

... Answer is B)
Air France.

13. Which airline the logo belongs to
Japan Airlines logo

... Answer is D)
Japan Airlines.

14. Which airline the logo belongs to
Korean Air logo

... Answer is B)
Korean Air.


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